Friday, November 19, 2010


Mr. Benjamin's Cotillion was a right of passage in the sixth grade.  At least in our town, all of the children we knew attended.  Bottom line--social graces and etiquette would be  reinforced by someone other than the parents.  Yes!  Cotillion was not given as an option but as a mandate by all parents in Tierrasanta. 

The children met in the middle school auditorium once a week.  There was an equal number of boys and girls.  There was a dress code.  You can imagine a room full of budding adolescents having to dance and actually touch each other, practice properly introducing each other and listening to Mr. Benjamin and his chaperones discuss table manners.  They learned the box-step and other dances appropriate for formal social functions.  Yes, toes were stepped on often.  And remember, at this age all of the girls towered over the boys.

The parents were allowed to be in the auditorium but had to stay seated on the sidelines and not talk.  I will never forget the hidden smiles and snickers from each and every parent as they watched their child advancing the skill set.  Each week did get a little easier and less awkward for the kids and by the end, all were quite comfortable and having fun.  The class ended with a formal dance for the parents and children to show off their polished social graces.  I LOVED Mr. Benjamin.  He was one of a kind. 

Photo above of Grant (right) and buddy Daniel (left) with Grant not looking too chipper in one of the first classes. 

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