Friday, December 10, 2010

Viva Mexico!

There is something exhilarating about crossing the border and heading into Mexico.  Perhaps it is the sense of adventure being in a foreign country.  Once we hit the road in Tijuana with aggressive drivers and what feels like a road-race, we know the adventure has begun.

I was introduced to Mexico (Tijuana) as a child when my dad would take us on expeditions to Caliente racetrack.  He loved bartering with the street vendors on the way back to the border crossing.  I have vivid memories of his threats (jokingly) to turn me in to the border agents/federales as an illegal because I looked Hispanic as a child with dark skin and long braids.

When the kids were small we found a great location to continue the adventures in Mexico.  Estero Beach Mexico is a hidden little gem on the Pacific about thirty minutes south of Ensenada.  This annual trip was something the kids looked forward to during summer break.  Our friends, who also made the trip, felt more at ease with me as the interpreter since I spoke the language.  Always handy to speak Spanish while in Mexico.

For Grant and the other kids, the highlights were going to the local fireworks store and stocking up on every imaginable explosive to set off on the beach--blowing up old tennis shoes or old Seasame Street stuffed animals,  eating at the favorite taco stand (which I refused to do),  throwing "poppers" on the ground and at siblings' feet, hanging out at the swim-up bar for virgin Margaritas, the live band and dancing at the outdoor restaurant, jet-skiing and getting pulled on the banana boat (pictured above), and haggling with the vendors on the beach and in town.

Photo above of Grant (rear), Jamie, Daniel, Yuso, Samantha and Hannah out on their wild banana boat ride in Estero Beach

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