Monday, January 24, 2011

The Craziest Sport Ever

I always knew my son was a tough cookie.  I did not, however, realize there was a sport that would cut me to the core with fear and anxiety.  The sport is rugby.

When I was informed my son wanted to play rugby, initially I thought it was cool and a new experience for an athletic kid.  That was, until I watched my first game.  It was a mother's worst nightmare and I panicked.  I honestly thought my son would be broken in half (or at least a broken something).

Grant's best friend's mom and my dear friend is a Kiwi.  Rugby is as popular in New Zealand as the NFL is in the U.S.  In fact, rugby is a worldwide culture of its own.   I was assured there were fewer injuries playing rugby compared to football.  How could that be?  There is no protective gear and kids are tackled and thrown to the ground!  Rugby became a part of our life when the San Diego Young Aztecs club team called.  And Grant LOVED it.

The biggest thrill was coming in third place at the Southern California championships.   The competition was fierce and it appeared the winning team had pulled the roughest street kids from L.A. and turned them into fantastic rugby players.  There was only one child removed by ambulance at the tournament.  Ugh!

YouTube video above of rugby well played by the U16 Young Aztec team.

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