Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hoping for the Best

When my son reads this blog in June I hope he comes away with the message--I tried my best.  I really did.  It was very easy to judge other parents BK (before kids) and I often would say, "When I have kids I will NEVER do that!!!" Or even better, "My parents did x,y, or z and I swear I'll never do that!"  I have since learned never say never.

People say parenting is the toughest job you'll ever do.  They are correct.  It is the toughest but, undoubtedly, also the most rewarding.  I just hope I didn't screw it up too bad in raising a son.

Sharing stories with other parents always made me feel better.  I am not alone in the craziness.  If I lost it and spanked my toddler, others will empathize (assuming they are not in the anti-spanking group).  If my child had a major meltdown in the grocery store and EVERYONE turned to stare, others will empathizeIf my child hit, kicked and bit me at the park when I said it was time to leave, others will empathize.  The best consolation came when the "Super Nanny" television show aired.  After watching that show, I knew I wasn't doing so bad.

My ultimate wish is that I did good enough to create a loving and responsible son who will be a happy and productive member of society.


nadia said...

O.K. that is the cutest picture of "Mom and Grant" ever! This is how I remember Grant, just so handsome! He for sure gave you a hard time (many times) as he is all boy and both he and Samantha were so strong willed as kids. I always remember that some of the traits that are hardest for parents are the exact traits in a child that help them succeed and blossom in life. I believe this about your kids and the amazing strength and durability that you have always had as a mother!
From one play group mom to another... good job!

Betty Garrity said...

Thanks gf. It was YOU that gave me strength and "durability" though I must say when around the Bondi kids, I thought something was terribly wrong with mine:) You are the bomb and the epitome of a good parent.

Lori said...

Not only do you have strength and durability, you also have abundant fortitude-the courage to endure all that you face. Yes, it has been endlessly challenging but look at the result! Grant and Samantha are wonderful kids! And they will draw on your example of strength as they move forward with their lives. Well done Betty!

betty garrity said...

Oh Lori. Thank you. Only because I had you all as role models and support. A job well done to you, too:)