Friday, June 24, 2011

Epilogue: Raising a Son

To my dear Grant aka Granto,

When you were a little rambunctious, rough-and-tumble boy, I would always laugh and tell people my hope was to get you to eighteen years old and off to college alive.  Well, my wish was we are.

This blog is dedicated to you, sweetheart.  It's been wonderful to look back and reminisce on your early years. 

The other day I was reflecting on your almost eighteen years of life.  Some of the most memorable moments were when you were little and we'd get ready for bed and play the "five reasons I love you game," watching all of your games from the sidelines with the other team parents, getting phone calls from school, "Hello Mrs. Garrity, Grant is fine but I'd like to speak to you.....," watching you play with your big sister and mimic her every move, how you called her Muh-muh for so long, the "apparatus" Dr. Okmin had to put in your mouth, when you and D-boy got together to play; there are just so many fond memories.

It has been a two-way street with both of us living and learning together.  I have learned so much from you, and hopefully, you have learned from me.  I learned the value of  patience.  The importance of independence with boundaries.  How to be more forgiving.  Though difficult, allowing failure and consequences.  The importance of keeping it short (hard for me to do) and speaking bluntly.  What it truly means to love, unconditionally. 

Your choice for college is perfect.  I know you will thrive in this environment and find your passion and path.  All I ask is that you remain inquisitive and study hard. School always comes first and much fun to follow.  It is important to take good care of your health (stop rolling your eyes).  I know you will continue with athletics-it is a natural outlet for you. Try to eat well and get enough rest.  Remember dad and I are only a phone call, text or short flight/drive away.

Love you always and forever,


Photo above of mom and Grant before senior prom.


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