Saturday, June 11, 2011

Good Luck Brother

 Dear Grant,
            You finally made it through high school, now get ready to live a life without chores, nagging, or work, so be excited. I remember all those times I dressed you up in dresses, broke your thumb, and played Hot Wheels with you around our whole house.  I also remember how we sometimes misbehaved on purpose with our babysitters. Even though we still argue a lot I think we’ll be closer now that we are both in college. I’ll have to visit you and you’ll have to visit me (because I know we have different spring breaks).  I hope your roommate isn’t weird but I know for a fact you will have so much fun and your life will change when you move away. I’m sure you’ll do well your first year because I know you’re smart and will make good decisions. You better Skype me.

Love you,

-Samantha aka Muh-Muh

Photo above of sister and brother

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