Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Musical Gift from Pop-pop

As a kid, I was often woken up on a weekend morning by the Navy bugle call "Revielle."  My dad (ex-Navy) thought it was funny.......I, however, did not.

The upside was my dad's gift with music.  He played trumpet by ear.  I have many memories of him putting on his headphones, cranking up Benny Goodman and Les Brown and playing along; never reading music.  Definitely, a good ear.

Though I was not the benefactor of dad's "gift," I did try a few musical instruments as a child.  I was fair, at best.  I did, however, realize the benefit of introducing music to my children.  Cultivating the right brain (or right hemisphere) attributes was the purpose.

Grant was introduced to his Pop-pops musical talent at an early age.  I like to think this sparked his musical interest and certainly fostered the inherited gene.  It began with the trumpet in elementary school, then on to piano and by high school--the guitar (first electric then acoustic).  

Though our time with Pop-pop was cut short, his love of music lives on forever in his grandson.

The photo above was one of Grant's first trumpet lessons by his Pop-pop

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