Monday, September 6, 2010

My Muh-muh

I could not leave the house for the first six weeks after Grant was born.  I had an insatiable nursing baby (who had to literally be ON me at all times or he screamed) and a one-year old who had just learned to walk--no, run.  Once I got up the courage and rounded up a sweet teenager to help, we ventured out into the world together.

Grant adored his big sister.  He followed her every move.  She made him giggle and laugh.  He was never alone and had his built-in playmate.  Though sometimes there were tears and screams from a pinch, punch or kick--they were truly inseparable.

Once of Grant's first words was "Muh-muh."  Samantha was a mouthful for a little boy and Muh-muh sure was easier.  He called her Muh-muh for a very long time.  If you've ever raised a boy you know their verbal skills typically lag behind girls in early childhood.  This was okay because it was endearing and we all loved this nickname for his sister. 

Photo above is of Muh-muh and Grant having a rest break on the floor

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