Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where Do Babies Come From?

Having a highly inquisitive child can be a mixed blessing.   On the one hand I believe their inquiry is a gift.  On the other hand, it can be a real PIA.  Why is this?  Why is that?  The "whys" never stop.  It can be mentally exhausting as a parent.  I swore I would never say to my children, "Just because it is!"  Admittedly, this happened on more than one occasion.

The questions came at warp speed.  Why is the sky blue?  Why is my hair blond?  All was just great until THE question was asked one day in elementary school.  "Mom, where do babies come from?"

I thought this question was a bit premature given it was only third grade.  I hadn't planned on the "the talk" until later in elementary school but kids talk on the playground.  I decided to take the bull by the horn and answer the question directly, honestly and age-appropriate.  If I didn't, I would be hounded.  My philosophy with boys--blunt is best.

I did not, however, expect a phone call from Grant's third grade teacher after the "talk."  This is how it panned out.
"Mrs. Garrity, this is Ms. D and I need to speak with you about an incident regarding Grant."
I replied, "Is everything okay?"
Ms. D said, "Well, not really.  I overheard Grant explaining to his table where babies came from.  Although the information he gave was actually quite accurate and with correct terminology, it was not appropriate for school.  He was arguing with his classmate about who had the correct answer."
"Thank you Ms. D.  I'll have a talk with Grant today about appropriate classroom discussions."

I hung up the phone and burst into laughter!  My third grader was giving reproduction lessons to his classmates.  Unbelievable.  As the saying goes, out of the mouths of babes.

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