Sunday, October 24, 2010


Gathering of the cousins is always entertaining. What started out with the original eight (around the same ages), is now twenty in total due to the populating younger families.  That is a lot of cousins!

Chaos and fun are two words I would use to describe our family get-togethers over holidays.  Each year became more chaotic with the new additions.  Grant loved being around so many of his boy cousins where they would run, play ball, fight and terrorize the girls and neighborhoods.  His sister certainly learned to "hold her own" with so many boys being boys.  The playing field eventually evened out as more females were born.

Some of the best and quite often funny memories I have of these gatherings include; tears over who found the infamous Golden Egg on Easter, fires started by unattended children (candles are dangerous),  the announcement of another pregnancy by my niece, spilled drinks and major grass stains on holiday dresses/clothing and, of course, kid's faces opening the Garrity envelopes on Christmas.

Photo above of cousins Jeremy, Matthew, Josh, Jeffrey, Samantha, Grant, Jacob and Kaylene at one of the many cousin gatherings.

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