Friday, October 15, 2010

The Great Outdoors

What better way to breathe fresh air, get dirty and play with worms?  Fishing.  Getting back to nature in the great outdoors was an integral part of Grant's youth.  He loved the sport of fishing whether it be from the dock,  on a boat at the lake, or along a river.

Often these fishing adventures were part of a camping trip.  Good friends of ours and their boys (also shown in photo above) enjoyed camping and we made many memorable trips together.  Samantha was right in there with "the boys" getting dirty and hooking the bait.  The biggest thrill for all of them (parents included) was when someone caught a fish.  There would be a lot of commotion, often some yelling,  occasional tears (when the big one got away) but always fun memories were made.

The majority of people who fish do so for the sheer enjoyment of the experience.  Though I went along for the ride (and fresh air), I wouldn't necessarily say it was "sheer enjoyment."  Worms on hooks--yuck!  Watching fish die--yuck!  Gutting fish--super yuck!  Yet, I am so glad to have had these experiences in the great outdoors with my son.

Photo above of Matthew, Grant, Samantha and Zack with the big one that didn't get away.

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