Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Fascination of Space

I vividly remember the inception of my son's fascination with space. Astronaut Dan Tani made a visit to Grant's third grade class.  Astronaut Tani showed up to the school auditorium and a very excited bunch of kids.  You could feel the excitement in the room.  Little did they know this day would be so inspiring and forever change their understanding of spaceflight.

Astronaut Tani flew on the Endeavor and was one of the lucky members to complete spacewalks and repair of the International Space Station.  He showed the children live video he filmed from the flight.  Everyone's mouth (including myself, the teachers and principle) was to the floor.  We viewed the astronauts performing important functions and also having fun just goofing around at zero gravity.  What an experience!

The fascination with flight and space continued for my son.  A few summer rocketry classes and we know this interest would continue.

All of these experiences have culminated in Grant's senior engineering project.  His mentor, Mr. Bobby Russel, of Quest for Stars will take these high school seniors to the next level of space exploration and aerospace engineering principles.

Photo above: "(L to R) Bobby Russell (Quest for Stars) Grant Garrity and Max Wasserman from High Tech High. They have taken on the challenge of improving our payload design. They will be focusing on making the avionics packages waterproof. Credit: Quest for Stars"

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