Thursday, April 21, 2011

One World Week: Italy

One of the coolest opportunities at High Tech is their One World Week.  Each year over spring break, students and teachers depart to destinations worldwide for a cultural immersion.  This immersion opens the kids' eyes to the world at large.  Students have been to Belize, India, Panama, Egypt, Costa Rica, Thailand and many other far away places.  It is a once in a lifetime experience and Grant waited until his senior year for his trip to Italy.  Ahhh favorite country in the world where the people are warm and beautiful, the culture is bountiful and the scenery is exquisite.  The food is pretty incredible, too.  I give great kudos to Grant's teachers/chaperones, Margaret and Dominic, who took twenty-five children to Italy and returned them all safely.

A note from Margaret (12th grade Digital Arts and Sound Production teacher):


In Italy you were a leader and voice of reason. You had your eyes wide and looked deeply at your surroundings and the cultural sites of Italy. There were many fun moments and it was great to have you on the trip! I wish you the very best on your future endeavors! Congratulations!!!



Photo above taken by Grant of his favorite city, Venice 

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